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The fire alarm system is known as the fire alarm system, and it is a type of potential risk protection system (fire). The system consists of a security network to protect against potential fire hazards in the installations and adopts multiple levels of the process of display and follow-up to reach the maximum levels of benefit and reliability of the system, which will be a basis for integration And compatibility between other security and safety systems as it depends on the formation of a fire alarm system as the main purpose of this fire alarm system It is the speed of response to the fire, then converting this rapid response into audio and light signals to alert an individual or a group of individuals in the facility, place, relief or fire station that there is a fire in its early stages. As the stages of fire development go through three main stages, the first stage is the primary stage, PRELMINARY STAGE, the second stage of the fire, known as the SMOKING STAGE, which is the stage where the smoke is present before the flame relay or known as FLAME STAGE, then we reach the last stage of the fire, which is a stage Heat known as HEAT STAGE Where for each of these stages has a role in the work of the fire alarm where there is a smoke sensor that alerts in the second stages of the fire while smoke rises from the fire and there is a temperature sensor for a feeling of a sudden upward change in the temperature of the place, factory or facility These are connected to the fire alarm panel Through this panel, the location or location of the fire is determined by sounding a warning of a fire alarm, or by a light alarm in an alarm panel.

24 Safety ( Smart Security Systems )

El Obour City - 1st district (El Hegaz center) 3rd floor (28.22 km) 11828 Cairo, Egypt

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